Determining Module Version

Modules are written to load external source code and keep it up to date, automatically.

Version numbers are often embedded in a variety of files within a module, and so Zesk makes it easy to extract the version number simply.

In your module configuration file, you can specify a configuration value VERSION_DATA which is a JSON-encoded array with information on how to determine the current version of your module.

The keys in the JSON-encoded array are:

Pattern Example

"version_data": { 
    "file": "vendor/components/jquery/jquery.js", 
    "pattern": "/jQuery[A-Za-z ]+v([0-9.]+)/" 

The above example loads vendor/components/jquery/jquery.js then searches for the pattern and returns the version number.

Key Example

"version_data": { 
    "file": "vendor/components/jquery/package.json", 
    "key": "version"

The above example loads the specified JSON file, parses it, and returns the version key.

Built-in value

You can also just specify your module version using the VERSION configuration option:


Showing versions

To show all versions of loaded modules, do:

zesk module-version
zesk module-version module1 module2 module3

The output will look like:

jquery: 1.9.1
jqueryui: 1.11.0pre
developer: -
markdown: 1130
bootstrap: 2.3.2
anythingslider: 1.9.1
date: -
content: -
inplace: -
highcharts: 3.0.1
footerlog: -
underscorejs: 1.4.4
jsonjs: 2010-11-18
jquerytimer: -
ordering: -
jpicker: 1.1.6
flot: 0.8.1-alpha
apache: -
bootstrapx-clickover: -
backbonejs: 1.0.0

With module code name, a colon, a space, and the version number found. Dashes mean no version number was found.